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H-起升高度 Hoisting height
V1-起升速度 Hoisting speed
V2-小车运行速度 Traveling speed of trolley
V3-大车运行速度 Traveling speed of crane
L1-起重机左极限 Left limit of crane
L2-起重机右极限 Right limit of crane
C1-起重机两端最小极限 Minimum limit of both ends
C2-起重机顶部最小极限 Minimum limit of top of crane
S-起重机跨度 Crane span
H1-起重机小车钩心到顶部的距离 Distance between core of hook and its top
H2-起重机小车的高度 Height of trolley
H3-起重机底部到大车轨道面的距离 Distance between the bottom of crane and crane rail plane
H4-起重机缓冲器到大车轨道面的距离 Distance between buffer of crane and crane rail plane
H5-起重机顶部到大车轨道面的距离 Distance between the top of crane and crane rail plane 
W-起重机最外两个车轮之间的距离 Distance between two outmost wheels of crane
W1-起重机一角最外两个车轮之间的距离 Distance between two outmost wheels of one corner of crane 
W2-起重机台车两个车轮之间的距离 Distance between two wheels of trolley
B-起重机最外车轮距离缓冲器端部之间的距离 Distance from the outmost wheel to ends of buffer
b-起重机最端部距离大车轨道之间的距离 Distance from ends to rail of crane
G-起重机整车的重量 Overall weight of crane
K-起重机最大轮压 Maximum wheel pressure of crane
P-起重机总的功率 Total power of crane
1、本产品系列表仅列出了常用的基本的规格起重机,工作级别为A5(FEM 2m)时的标准跨度,没有副钩的室内用起重机。客户根据需要可以提出相应的要求。
Instructions for selecting type
1. This series tables of product only list the general crane with basic specifications, including the standard span at working level A5 (FEM 2m) and indoor crane without auxiliary hook. Customers can make relevant requirements according to their demands.
2. This series can add to auxiliary hoisting mechanism, and also the speed doubler if run with light load. Ordinarily, the setting of the main and auxiliary should be 4:1, which also be set in accordance with requirements of customers. It will increase the total weight and wheel pressure if adding to auxiliary hook.     
3. Dimensions, weight and wheel pressure in table will be reference for ordering of customers. If requirements of customers get changed, such as some changes occurred to working level, speed and lifting height, the relevant parameters, dimensions, weight and wheel pressure will also get changed. The actual parameters, quality and wheel pressure should subject to the requirements in contract.
4. Lifting speed, speed of crane and trolley traveling listed in table are standard values, which can be correspondingly regulated according to demands of users.
5. Technical parameters and dimensions would be changed as with improvement or upgrade of technology. Please contact with technology department in our company if any questions.

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